Sunday, November 26, 2017

EDIM 508: Project 2: Spotlight on Strategies

Spotlight on Strategies: Smore

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Reflection: Spotlight on Strategies:

The instructional goal that the spotlight on strategies I created addresses Text Dependent Analysis through the use of identifying character motivation.  The project/lesson provides students with the background knowledge of the author and instruction on vocabulary used throughout the text to provide students with a discipline mind, Gardner states, “Second, in the course of acquiring a disciplined approach to consequential topics, individuals will indeed pick up useful information…” (Gardner, 37).  The SOS provides the goal to create learning opportunities for students to develop their skill of text dependent analysis and apply it to different types of writings.  This allows for the student to take the discipline approach and synthesize the concept.  Students will develop their own voice and learn how to take the information in a written piece to help support their way of thinking on a topic.  Gardner states  I’ve already noted the strong, indeed ineluctable, tendency of young children to see, make, and even force connections.” (Gardner, 67).  This Spotlight on Strategies provides these opportunities through explaining tone and voice and providing students with the ability to make connections with the text they are given.  With the goal of the Spotlight on Strategies for Text Dependent Analysis it provides teachers and students the opportunity to, “Celebrate, don’t censor or curtail, the connections that are effortlessly effected by the young mind.” (Gardner, 68).  The next step to the spotlight is integration the use of digital media.  These components provide individuals with addition mediums to understand and process the information.  Students watching video segments on tone and mood also watching the characters interacted with each other helps provoke the understanding of the characters motivation for students that may not be able to understand through the text.  The digital media provides students with learning moments to achieve the goal for students in the Spotlight.  The next step to this unit would be to provide students with a project to activate their creative mind through a project-based activity for example, one pagers for students to express their ideas of the unit on the short stories of Poe.


Gardner, H.(2009). Five minds for the future. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Press

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